Wednesday, February 22, 2012

However, less than one percent of chronically ...

(H.) is a spiral bacteria that specifically and selectively under a layer of mucus, close to the stomach (gastric cells). infection was associated with the occurrence of gastritis and peptic ulcer. Chronic gastritis H. pylori is a strong risk factor. However, less than one percent of chronically infected people will develop cancer of the stomach. In the past, one of the strictly adhere to the notion that acid is the main cause of duodenal ulcer. Indeed, the term peptic acid reflects the dominant notion of reason, so treatment is aimed primarily at blocking acid. But now it appears that even more important factor may be responsible for some ulcers (at least, duodenum) - infection of Helicobacter Pylori. Two important lines of evidence now support a possible causal role. First, H.pylori is present in antrums from 9 to 95 percent of people with duodenal >> << that do not use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome as a possible cause ulcers. Second, treatment and elimination of Helicobacter pylori reduces the frequency of recurrence of cancer compared with treatment of acute ulcers hystamynoblokatorov alone. Thus, H.pylori is a necessary cofactor for the vast majority of duodenal and gastric ulcers unrelated to NSAIDs. H. pylori is transmitted from person to person, but nobody knows what means. In the U.S., the prevalence of infection rises from less than 10 percent of Caucasians in age from 30 to more than 50 percent over the age of 60. Prevalence higher in non-Caucasians and immigrants from countries. Most infections probably acquired in childhood. Acute infection with helicobacter can cause transient clinical manifestations of disease, characterized by nausea and pain in the abdomen that may last for several days. After that, the disappearance of symptoms, most people progress of chronic infection. There is no recognizable set of symptoms or syndrome that can be attributed to chronic gastritis, or be associated with H.pylori. Ulcers often present with (upper mid-abdominal pain or dull gnawing). There may be pain at night. Some patients report pain while eating or antacids and pain recurrence at 3:58 hours. H. pylori detected by various means. At strattera side effects endoscopy (viewing the stomach and duodenum by inflamed tube), a biopsy of the stomach (stomach) mucosa can be taken and evaluated for H.pylori. Helicobacter antibodies can be detected by blood tests. Noninvasive tests of breath can also detect an active infection H.pylori. Liquidation of helicobacter usually requires a combination of antibiotics and inhibitors acid-blocker/proton pump. One example of active H. pylori-related ulcers: (1) clarithromycin, (2) or amoxicillin, and (3) omeprazole or lansoprazole. Another scheme: (1) omeprazole or lansoprazole, (2) Bi (3) tetracycline, and (4) metronidazole. Current schemes to achieve greater than 85 to 90 percent rate of eradication after one or two weeks of treatment. After treatment has been achieved, reinfection rates less than 0. 5 percent per year. Management of peptic ulcer disease in some patients may require maintenance therapy. Will the tests necessary? What treatment would you suggest? How long it will take to alleviate the discomfort? Will you purpose any medication? What are the side effects? .

3 bacteria shapes

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