Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Aspiration pneumonia is developing through ...

3 different shapes of bacteria

Developing aspiration pneumonia that due to the entrance of foreign matter in the bronchial tree, usually

oral or gastric contents (including food, saliva or nose). Depending on the acidity of aspiration, chemical pneumonia can develop, and pathogenic bacteria (especially

) can add to inflammation. [Aspiration pneumonia is often caused by incompetent mechanism, as occurs in some forms of neurological diseases or injuries including, CVA (

) or. The reason

It was time for patients and thus be an indication (NPO) (aka nothing in the mouth), at least by 4:00 to surgery. Whether aspiration pneumonia represents a true bacterial infection or chemical inflammatory process remains the subject of considerable controversy. Both causes can present with similar symptoms. [When the bacteria involved, they tend to aerobic:

They can also be mixed with anaerobic bacteria [place often depends on the severity, and depends on the patient. Typically, the right middle and lower lobes of the lungs is the most common sites to get education due to a larger caliber and more vertical orientation of the right bronchus mainstem. Patients who stood aspiration may have bilateral infiltrates lung lower lobe. Upper lobe of right lung total area of ​​consolidation in alcoholics who aspiration in the supine position. [Aspiration pneumonia is usually diagnosed combining clinical conditions (weakened or impaired neurological patient), radiological data (right lower portion pneumonia), and microbiological culture. In some cases, aspiration pneumonia caused by aspiration of food particles or other substances, particles as tablet fragments order strattera, they can be diagnosed lung disease on biopsy. [[.

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